Today I listened to a fascinating lecture by Dr. Richard Gerber, MD called Exploring Vibrational Medicine
and intend to order at least one of his books when funds allow. It was truly amazing to hear a physician talk about things like chakras and the etheric body and Dr. Gerber is very much a physician in this lecture. He moves quickly and covers a lot of ground. In the first half hour alone I took several pages of notes finding, surprisingly, that I actually remembered my old college shorthand.
Dr. Gerber defines vibrational medicine is a form of medicine based on the concept of diagnosis and treatment of illness based on energy. He discusses various models of medicine and reality, and what he refers to as multidimensional human anatomy such as the chakras. He also discusses vibrational medicine healing techniques, including psychic healing, flower essences and crystals.
Dr. Gerber defines vibrational medicine is a form of medicine based on the concept of diagnosis and treatment of illness based on energy. He discusses various models of medicine and reality, and what he refers to as multidimensional human anatomy such as the chakras. He also discusses vibrational medicine healing techniques, including psychic healing, flower essences and crystals.
As it is impossible to do a presentation like this justice in a single relatively short blog entry I want to devote this entry to the scientific theory behind vibrational medicine as presented by Dr. Gerber. A key point in understanding this theory is the contrast Dr. Gerber made between two very different scientific models as reflected in the practice of modern medicine. The first is referred to as the the Newtonian model, the second Einsteinian.
The Newtonian model, based on the work of Sir Isaac Newton, describes a largely mechanical reality. According to this model, which is reflected in Dr. Gerber's view in the training of most physicians, the heart may be conceptualized primarily as a pump, the lungs as a bellows, the kidneys as filters, the muscles as pulleys, etc. This view lends itself to problem solving that is largely mechanical in nature - the replacing parts with surgery, for example, or the utilization of targeted medication that creates specific chemical outcomes.
Do these measures save lives? Absolutely and Dr. Gerber is quick to point out the benefits of such Newtonian type advances in medicine such vaccines, chemotherapy, declotting agents, antihypertensive medication, organ transplant and cardiac surgery. He is also quite aware of the downside in terms of antibiotic resistance, side effects and surgical complications. In his estimation an energetic approach can provide effective modalities often overlooked or underestimated by mainstream medicine.
The energetic approach to medicine is, according to Dr. Gerber, also the Einsteinian or vibrational model which describes the universe as a series of interpenetrating energy fields. This is the realm of modern or quantum physics where matter as we perceive it does not strictly exist. Dr. Gerber explains this quite understandably, saying that Einstein's famous equation e=mc² (where e is energy, m is matter and c is the speed of light) shows that energy and matter are interconvertible and thereby two expressions of the same thing. High energy particle physics experiments bear this out, showing that at a micro microscopic or quantum level all matter exists as a form of frozen energy.
This is where, Dr. Gerber says, the Einsteinian model begins to predict a faster than light view of etheric energy. By plugging in a velocity greater than the speed of light to the e=mc² equation, physicists such as William Tiller of Stanford University, have postulated the concept of negative entropy, a state counter to traditional or positive entropy. Positive entropy may be loosely defined as a system's gradual decline into disorder which make negative entropy especially interesting.
Tiller's work showed that energy which travels faster than the speed of light demonstrates the unusual property of negative entropy or the tendency to become progressively more ordered or organized. According to Dr. Gerber this runs counter to the known laws of thermodynamics. It also has fascinating ramifications for those of us seeking a common ground between science and spirituality. May we consider negative entropy a force in an ordered universe?
Dr. Gerber goes on to discuss multiple scientific sources including Nobel prize winning physician Björn E W Nordenström, Albert Szant-Györgyi (discoverer of vitamin C), and Russian medical researcher Alexander Gurvich whose 1920s experiments with onion roots proposed the existence of the biophoton or endogenous light - a form of light emitted by an organism and able to pass through quartz (though not glass) to communicate with another like organism.
Dr Gerber discussed subsequent experiments by German biophysicist Fritz Popp which systematically proves the existence of biophotons. This experiment involved cultures placed in adjacent Petri dishes and was conducted with both glass and quartz (crystal dishes). Popp was able to prove a communication between cultures placed in the quartz dishes which did not occur between those placed in glass.
As it is known that ultraviolet light passes through quartz this indicates that cells were emitting photons of light in the ultraviolet spectrum. According to Dr. Gerber this research and others demonstrates that the body does not consist only of mechanical chemical and electrical systems but of light energy systems as well. And this is fundamental for an understanding not only of Dr. Gerber's work but for many alternative treatment modalities such as light and color therapy, as well more traditional applications such as acupuncture.
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