We are in the process of completely remodeling the room which is to become my reading room / office and making an altar before we're done painting, wallpapering, doing the trim and cleaning just didn't make sense.
My first reading in front of my new altar (on my future as an oracle card reader) follows:
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Love this message! |
In class one (Creating Sacred Space) Denise gives some great information about clearing your deck, yourself, your client and your reading space. As Denise has written extensively on Feng Shui, and creating sacred space (as well as other spiritual topics), she is a fantastic resource for this material.
Space clearing is a timely topic for me personally and I'll be applying all the information given in setting up my own reading area and office. I'm also planning on ordering Denise's book, "Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home" to help me with my pre-holiday cleaning and organizing!
Class two (Clearing the Channel) talks about clearing deep blockages with an emphasis on past life regression. Denise is knowledgeable about, and has written on, this topic as well and I found the guided past life meditations experienced in class two to be especially effective.
Card I'm attuning to today! |
There is a nice energy to this deck and I will have more to say about it as I get to know it better. Our ongoing homework is to work with each card individually and record our impressions in our course journal (provided via pdf).
I am having fun with this assignment and enjoy learning about how others are doing through the closed FaceBook group reserved for students of the course.
New Etsy Listing: The Goddess Tarot with Hand Decoupaged Box & Two "Temple Blue" Candles (from MysticEmporium on Etsy)
October 24, 2013
New Set: The Goddess Tarot for sale @ MysticEmporium |
In this transformational online certification course, acclaimed healer, author, and teacher Denise Linn, creator of the Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Deck, shares her wealth of expertise on tapping into your inner wisdom so you can activate your intuition and gain the inner tools that you need to explore and expand your oracle card reading skills. She'll even give you tips and insight on setting up your practice as a professional oracle card reader.
Over your eight lessons with Denise, you will:
- Activate your “Inner Oracle”.
- Learn your connection with ancient oracles in the far past.
- Understand why you, as an oracle reader, are needed at this time in history.
- Clear inner blockages that have come from your past lives to become a clearer oracle.
- Discover how to powerfully clear your aura for more accurate readings.
- Learn methods to clear, attune, and energize your cards.
- Discover how to use cards for remarkable daily insights.
- Find out how to call guides from Spirit to empower your reading.
In “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming,” (affiliate link) Dr. Stephen LaBerge uses a phenomena he calls dreamsigns as a trigger event for conscious (lucid) dreaming. With a practice, a dreamsign alerts the dreamer to the fact that he is dreaming. Once aware of the dream state, the dreamer can consciously participate and even direct the events of the dream.
- Thoughts: “I’m trying to figure out why the furnishings are from another era and realized this is an odd thing to be thinking about” (unusual thought). “When I realized I didn’t want to crash the car swerved back onto the road” (magical thinking).
- Emotions: “I am filled with extreme anxiety and remorse” (over whelming emotion). “I am so angry at my sister over a minor event that I throw something at her” (inappropriate emotion).
- Sensation: “I seem to lift out of my body” (OBE). “It feels like a giant hand is squeezing me” (odd sensation).
- Perceptions: “I could see perfectly without my glasses” (not usually possible). “There were hundreds of colors that I had never seen before” (not usually possible).
- Ego Action (dreamer): “I’m riding home on a unicycle” (unusual). “I was under water but had no problem breathing” (impossible).
- Character Action: “The hairdresser refers to a blue print to cut my hair” (unusual).
- Object Action: “A large flashlight floats past” (impossible).
- Ego Form: “I have very long arms” (oddly formed or deformed). ” “I turn into a butterfly” (transformed).
- Character Form: “Her face changes to that of another person as I look at her” (transformed). “Contrary to reality Gs hair is cut very short” (anomaly of hair).
- Setting Form: “I open the closet door and step out onto a wide terrace surrounded my ornamental gardens” (my dream – oddly formed). “I get lost because the streets are not as I remember them” (transformed or oddly formed).
- Object Form: “I see a tiny purple kitten” (oddly formed). “My purse turns into a steamer trunk” (transformation).
- Ego Role: “We’re fugitives from the law.”
- Character Role: “My best friend, T., is now my husband.”
- Character Place: “My friends from high school are at the office meeting.”
- Object Place: “My bed was in the street.”
- Setting Place: “I’m in a colony on Mars.”
- Setting Time: “I am in my first grade class.”
- Situation: “A commercial is being filmed at my house.”
2024: I have been going through my old posts deciding which to republish and which to leave as drafts. I debated a bit on this one because it is a remnant of my one old psychic readings and I still have mixed feeling about that time of my life. But I decided to share this particular post because I still pray for Reginald.
The Reading
The Research
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Historical Reproduction of the Crauford Tartan |
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Crawford Castle Motte and Bailey |
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Loudoun Castle Ruin (I'm not sure if Sir Reginald ever lived here but like the pic above, it has a tower) |
Sometimes the resource works because it triggers a new idea or approach to something. Sometimes, it is an agent of change or transformation. Both of these are good.
See Denise's own home and listen to her thoughts on home alignment:
For more about Denise Linn, please check out her website at: DeniseLinn.com!
I am also very interested in exploring Atwater's new book "Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness" which discusses the apparent leap in the intuitive, creative and abstract thinking in children, increases in autism spectrum disorder's and Cayce's fifth root race.
It began in childhood and paralleled a general obsession with spirit in all of its forms. I was then, and still am, a good guesser (once accused of cheating after acing a test on a book I had not read).
There were certain things I couldn't quite explain. From an early age, I was able to sense what I now think of as the energy of a person or a place, and sometimes heard paranormal activity.
On several occasions over the course of my life I experienced vivid and unusual phenomena in meditation, in dreams and while on the edge of sleep. These included seeing and sometimes communicating with passed loved ones. In my dream diary I continue to record spiritual instruction received during sleep.
Either way, I am interested in learning more about psychic ability and will be sharing some of what I learn here, beginning with the four main categories.
Telepathy - the ability to hear or pick up on the thoughts of another person. It is the most common psychic ability.
I made this dream catcher at the last meeting of the Sacred Circle women's group. One of our members was nice enough to show us how to do the weave. Mine is a little off but I expect the next one to be better.
Our circle is based in NE PA. We meet two times a month. One meeting is an arts and crafts night and the second is a metaphysical study group. The study group is a new addition and we'll be having our first study meeting this Thursday.
I am really enjoying all aspects of our group. Not so long ago it was common for women to work together as a team. In my grandmother's big farmhouse, for example, all the women would clear the table and do the dishes together. One would wash and rinse. Another would dry. A third would put the dishes away.
There was laughter and conversation and the work was never overwhelming because it was shared.
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Lots of sun! Everything is in place -except for my stained glass heron suncatcher. I'll post that when I get it hung! |
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Ice on the window sill and a bit of the woods behind the house. |
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More ice and if you look very closely you can see the eastern sky above the next mountain. My view of sunrise. |
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Still more ice. High ground and the patch of woods at the top of our little mountain. Elevation: 776 feet. |
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My seat and the laptop on which I write these posts. Two Ollie's Bargain Mart desk chairs. |
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My grandmother's rocker and the rug from my partner's family home. This is where my meditation corner will be! |
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My collection of oracle cards and tarot. Old Underwood typewriter to remind me of what I'm here to do! |
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Old wardrobe - picked up at the Salvation Army for $17 and refinished for office supplies. Auction house carpet in need of vacuuming :) |
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Side yard and hedges and the view such as it is. When I'm sitting down I mostly see sky. |
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Close up of my cards and my portable altar. |
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Another view of our desk. A thirty-five .dollar steal at the local Salvation Army! |
The original space - a one time 2nd floor apartment kitchen. Chopped up for plumbing, this was the only wood floor we couldn't restore. I installed the new floor myself. Not easy but not impossible either! |
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