I'm currently taking Denise Linn's Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader Certification Course and love it! Each week we listen to the lesson on air or via MP3 to learn about sacred space, energy, oracles and oracle reading and more. We also are given a weekly homework assignment and, in class two, this posed a problem.
Part of our homework assignment was to create an altar just for our oracle cards. Our class workbook provided a treasure trove of ideas on altar creation. I wanted to create my own altar but was a bit at a loss. The place my altar will go is currently under construction!
We are in the process of completely remodeling the room which is to become my reading room / office and making an altar before we're done painting, wallpapering, doing the trim and cleaning just didn't make sense.
We are in the process of completely remodeling the room which is to become my reading room / office and making an altar before we're done painting, wallpapering, doing the trim and cleaning just didn't make sense.
Luckily enrollment in the course allows all students to participate in Denise's closed Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader FaceBook group. It is a great community where some really wonderful ideas are shared. Case in point, a portable altar-on-a-tray by one of my classmates idea shared by one of my classmates. This, I thought, is perfect for me!
I set up my altar on a tray I had picked up at a flea market. It has a border of butterflies which are symbolic of transformation including blue butterflies (see image below) as well as especially meaningful to me. I included all of seven main chakra colors as well as some of my favorite stones and reading decks.
There is amethyst for psychic abilities, celestite for divine energy, kyanite for attunement and a tumbled piece of prehnite (underneath the reading cloth in this picture), given to me by my dear friend Tara, for psychic knowing and unconditional love .
The light blue votive holder is for communication and the orange, red and yellow in the second candle holder represent optimism, courage and being true to myself. In addition to Denise's Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards, I included two of my other favorite decks, a small purple incense holder, frankincense incense (which was also a gift) and my favorite card reading cloth.
I do want to add something for the element of water (I think I have air, earth and fire covered) so I will have to be on the look out for a small shell or dolphin charm. I have no doubt that it will come.
I love that no matter where I decide to read (which is often on the floor) I can put down this little altar and create sacred space. And I believe that I will give this 'moveable feast' a permanent place on the fixed altar I have yet to create!
My first reading in front of my new altar (on my future as an oracle card reader) follows:
It is a little hard to see but I love that this spread shows Adventure, Miracles and Joy, as well as that I'm leaving behind Conflict & Despair, reaching for the stars and becoming the Counselor - a card I never received before. It is so appropriate too because this week we are talking about our spirit and oracle guides and there she is with her hands on my shoulders!
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