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How do we navigate the cold and the increasing darkness winter brings?
By welcoming the energy of this incredible season into our lives! And this is what I resolved to do earlier this month when I wrote my Embracing the Seasons: 7 Steps to a Better Winter post.
I began with Step 7 (bring a bit of nature indoors) and added a branch of evergreen to my altar. I've kept that going by adding a small pot of Morning Glory seeds and a freshly repotted Jade plant to that same space. Later today, I'm going to take a walk and find a new nature item to put there as well.
In this post, however, I wanted to talk about Step 6 (Break Up Stale Energy) because that is a big one for me.
My house is perpetually under construction and I toggle between remodeling, organizing, and cleaning as best I can. It's balancing act and isn't unusual for this delicate balance to skew - sometimes quite markedly - in the wrong direction.
We use our homes for so many things and they can become the repository of so much stuff! In my case I have boxes in the kitchen (waiting for a home in the new cabinets which are yet to built), paint removal supplies and drop clothes in the front hall, a home office that is rapidly approach the I-can't-see-the-top-of-my-desk stage and a closet I don't even want to discuss.
Some of this is unavoidable, right now, but a lot of it is not. Changing what you can change is an important step in the direction of transformation. One of my main goals right now is to transform my home. So it is really important for me to look at the things that I can do today.
I don't know if I can complete my remodeling goals this season but I can clear and revitalize my space, allowing the element of air to flow freely from one end of the house to the next. And for the next two days, this is my mission. I'll be reading Denise Linn's wonderful book "Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home
" in my spare time and I will be posting before and after pics (I think).
Perhaps because I'm a fire sign, on the cusp of an earth sign, with a moon sign and ascendant ruled by water - the element of air is my favorite element. And I love winter and the clear, cold current of inspiration that so easily can overtake us at this time of year.
My goal is to let that current flow. Wishing all of you that same wonderful energy!
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