Interview: Near Death Experience with Diane Goble

September 25, 2012

Please join me on Blog Talk Radio this Thursday night at 11 PM EST at  to meet my very special guest, author, webmaster, spiritual teacher and Near Death Experiencer Diane Goble. 

 In 1971 while rafting on the Chattooga River during the shooting of the film Deliverance, Diane Goble experienced a detailed and complex Near Death Experience, including direct communication with the beings of light.  And tis experience was to impact her for the rest of her life. 

In the years that followed Diane wrote several books on NDE and related topics including How to Die Consciously, Conversations with a Near-Death Experience, More Conversation with a NDE, and Sitting in the Lotus Blossum

In addition to writing, Diane has worked extensively with hospice patients seeking the experience of conscious dying.  She maintains a comprehensive and fascinating NDE oriented website at:

Diane will be sharing her account of her own complex and compelling NDE and the detailed experience of spirit it provided.  Calls will be taken toward the the end of the show.  And if you don't catch the show live, please remember that it can be viewed anytime in the archives.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, this interview is no longer available!

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