My New Catholic Bible

January 21, 2021

My new Catholic Bible - more pictures follow

Things have been going well for me lately.

I feel good about my Etsy shop. Most days, I even feel good about my writing. But I've been wondering lately if continuing with the new age to Catholic content really makes sense. Sometimes I think that it's a waste of time.

I feel discouraged and I'm not sure if that's fatigue, spiritual warfare or just plain common sense. So I prayed for guidance. And then I came across a bible.

Finding the Bible

The Bible was exactly what I'd been looking for ever since I returned to the faith.  

It was white, just like the Bible my grandmother had given me when I was young, and it had amazing illustrations and very readable type.  There was a section on the Rosary and another on the Stations of the Cross - both complete with pictures.  And it was the exact version I'd been looking for.I liked that it was published in 1962 and still in its original box. 

So I bought it on the spot.

Reading My New Bible

My new Bible is lovely and it has lots of little extras, like the prayers before the readings and illustrations on the end pages and quotes from the pope and the fathers of the Church in the introduction.  Reading the quotes in particular inspired me to start reading the Bible everyday.
I began with St. John. And on day two or three one verse in particular jumped out at me.

One thing I do know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.  - St. John 10:25

When I was in the new age I was spiritually blind.  And when I returned to the faith, things were suddenly crystal clear.  So this verse says it all.  It reminded me of how important it is to keep talking about the deception of the new age and occult.

So I decided that for now I am going to hang in there with the blog and continue with my testimony.  

Probably the best reason to read the Bible is that it increases our understanding of our Catholic faith.  But there are many other reasons.  Receiving personal guidance is one.  Combatting the lies of the enemy is another.  

Both of which were huge for me this week.

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