Catholic Bible in a Year Study: Getting Started! (Video)

July 22, 2021

The Catholic Bible in a Year Study

Recently I decided to take advantage of Fr. Mike Schmitz "Bible in a Year" Catholic Bible study.  And am so glad I did!  The study is perfect for me because it covers the entire Bible with an eye to the big picture of salvation history.

The study is available free on YouTube and on podcast.  It utilizes the Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition but you don't have to have a Bible because Fr. Mike reads the sections out loud in each video or podcast.

The Recommended Catholic Bible

If you do want to follow along like I do, you can use any RSV-CE Bible and get a free printable Bible in a Year reading plan  here.  

Because I love books, I bought the Bible Fr. Mike is using: the Great Adventure Bible (affiliate link) AND the Bible in a Year Notebook (affiliate link). I'll be reviewing both in an upcoming post.  But I will say that I absolutely LOVE the Bible and am very happy with the notebook, as well.

The only other thing I want to not here is that the notebook does not lay flat.  I solved this problem by taking it to Staples and having it spiral bound for $4.50 and ended up with a beautiful little journal that I thought was well worth the price.  You can see it briefly in the video but I'll include some still images in my review post.

A Word About Timing

Although most people started this study when it began in January but I'm starting now and the timing is just right for me, as I talk about in the video.  But I mostly focus on the passages that really struck a chord with me in Week 1 of the study.

This will be my third time reading the Bible from cover to cover - but my very first time doing that as a Catholic!

One of the things that I'm especially thrilled about is how all of this fits in to my recent decision to focus more on my Marian devotions.

More on all of that in an upcoming post!
I'm a little late getting this video on the blog for which I do apologize.  I will try to do better next time!  If you want to be notified about my videos as soon as they post, please subscribe to my YouTube channel (and hit the little notification bell) at

Please Note:  This post includes Amazon affiliate links.  If you purchase an item through one of these links, I'll get a small commission at no cost to you.

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